Saturday, May 23, 2020
Business Field Business And Managing Your Own Company
Have you ever thought about going into the business field? The business field has so many opportunities for a person to choose from. It is a certain field where people can actually show off the type of skills and techniques they have learned in their past experience. If a person were to go into the business field, they should be the manager of their own company because you will learn about financing your business, expanding your business and managing your employees. The first goal in managing your own business is financing your business. The financial aspect of running your own business is very significant because it is the component of a company’s operations. As the head of their organization, entrepreneurs should take into consideration by following two simple steps: (1) Acquiring Financing and (2) Account Issues. The first step is acquiring financing. They are many different ways to acquire finances when dealing with the business field. In the article, â€Å"Financing Your Business†by â€Å"Small Business Resource Center†, it states, â€Å"Businesses can find initial financing in a number of ways. Angel investments and venture capital are invested in companies in return for high profits and partial control of the enterprise. Businesses can also take on financing in the form of debt. Debt financing involves a company taking a loan from a lender and guaranteeing it will repay the debt owed to that lender, with interest, b y a specified date.†This quote states that the ways to acquireShow MoreRelatedBusiness Management : Successful Competitive World Of Business971 Words  | 4 PagesBusiness management is defined as the act or practice of running a business. Managing is the process of monitoring, controlling, leading, organizing and planning. In the work world there are many opportunities for this major. The function of a business is to provide a service or product to consumers, generate employment opportunities thereby creating a prosperous financial future for the business and its stakeholders. Business management majors are taught to understand big and small businessRead MoreWhy I Chose Business Accounting to Secure My Future1132 Words  | 5 PagesWhy I Chose Business Accounting to Secure My Future While I have never had a career in my life I have had many jobs throughout the years. Throughout my life I have learned there is a great difference between having a job and having a career. Business accounting is my opportunity to follow a dream and work toward having a career. Business accounting can be a very lucrative and fulfilling career. Through business accounting you can learn constantly and find a job in various fields because almostRead MoreCase Study : Behind The Business World1201 Words  | 5 PagesBehind the Business World My mother, an immigrant, has always been one to dream big. She told me that since I was born in America, I’d have opportunities that she never had. She always believed that I was the one who would be successful. As a huge â€Å"mommy’s boy†I’ve always felt it was my obligation to help her fulfill her dreams. In August of 2012, I helped her to finally make her dream of starting her own business a reality, Mally House Cleaning Services was the result. While the company is justRead MoreThe Field Of Business Management1178 Words  | 5 PagesOctober 2014 Business Management In the field of business there are several fields of emphasis one can choose to focus their major on. I chose to major in business management for several very distinct reasons that will appear in this paper. 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As an alternative to traditional, on-premise hardware and software, SaaS solutions provide real advantagesRead MoreProcurement And Sourcing Of The Supply Chain Management1178 Words  | 5 Pages Procurement and Sourcing Each company also needs to manage the links in the supply chain that it owns and to connect with outsourced vendor fulfillment partners and materials suppliers. Managing the process involves ensuring production for internal inventories of products in one or more catalogs , generating and updating sourcing agreements, integrating shipping notices into the operating system, facilitating delivery notifications and managing inspection certificates. Customer Notifications CustomersRead MoreInternal And External Data And Statistics Of Business Sales Managers Versus Entrepreneurs1272 Words  | 6 Pagesanalysis of a variety of internal and external data and statistics of Business Sales Managers versus Entrepreneurs and gives advice for two chosen careers as requested by a client. Managers and Entrepreneurs share the same characteristics, but can also be very different with some traits. Managers play an entirely different role than an entrepreneur, because an entrepreneur is managing his own business, but both are concerned with business growth. If you’re an entrepreneur, you build businesses. If you’reRead MoreLimited Liability Corporation and Partnership Paper766 Words  | 4 PagesPaper A basic idea starts every business. When starting a business, a decision has to be made as to what form of business entity needs to be established. Protection and capitalization of the business must also be established, with the most basic question being what type of entity should be used when moving forward with the business. There are many different factors that have to be considered when making this decision. The most similar type of business is the partnership, sole proprietorshipRead MoreDecisions, Decisions : Brokerage Or Management?1145 Words  | 5 PagesDecisions, Decisions: Brokerage or Management? In life, there are many important choices to be made. Choosing a spouse, buying your first car, buying a home, choosing a college, and naming your child come to mind. Decisions that have far-reaching influence in a person’s life, such as these, should be made with caution and heavy consideration. Choosing a career is on that list. Salary, opportunity, and stress-level all need to be weighed as conditions in a career brainstorm. A career is not solelyRead MoreEffective Accounting Practices on Small Business1032 Words  | 5 Pages You see the world of business industry, how it operates, the way it goes, and then you would consider walking into that world. Then you took that first step inside the industry and success is what you’d see. So you would wonder how everything turned to be a big thing. Different fields show achievement, may it be a clothing line, Fast Food Chains, even online shopping is on the hit. Then you realize, they are succeeding for a reason. What reason could that be? Hardworking that goes along in following
Monday, May 18, 2020
Starbucks’ Mission Social Responsibility and Brand...
The case â€Å"Starbucks’ Mission Social Responsibility and brand Strength†basically discusses many things. It briefs you on how Starbucks came about in 1973 and how the company has evolved since then and the importance of defending its image. The company did many things to defend its image such as putting money back into the stake holder. Also Starbucks make a happy work environment by giving their employees full benefits. Starbucks offer one of the best health care programs in the coffee shop industry. By giving the employees what they want they â€Å"make them feel like they are part of something larger than themselves and they also believe they have a voice.†This case also talks about how Starbucks maintains a good reputation for social†¦show more content†¦Doing that shows Starbucks justice because it has been shown that ethical companies do better for the future. Customers feel good about bringing business to social responsible companies and emp loyees feel good about working there. This creates better customer service by employees because of the happiness shown by all parties created by the cooperation. Little things suck has social happiness can jolt a cooperation to the next level. Also they could take a negative impact in the financial situation 2. Is Starbucks unique in being able to provide a high level of benefits to its employees? I believe Starbucks is unique in being able to provide a high level of benefits to its employees. Many businesses or companies do not provide employees with many benefits and if so they receive the basic benefit package. Your employer, by laws is not obligated to provide you with a deep benefit package. Starbucks understands how important employees are and that their workers are the face of the company. Happy employees create good customer service experiences and repeat business. Also this makes the competition for Starbucks less because they can offer something other businesses probably don’t offer. 3. Do you think that Starbucks has grown rapidly because of its ethical and socially responsible activities or because it provides products and an environment that customers want? Starbucks rapid growth is due to both itsShow MoreRelatedStarbucks Mission: Social Responsibility and Brand Str ength Essay839 Words  | 4 PagesStarbucks’ Mission: Social Responsibility and Brand Strength 1. Why do you think Starbucks has been so concerned with social responsibility in its overall corporate strategy? Two reasons Starbucks has been so concerned with social responsibility are the negative impact on the company if they aren’t and the financial and nonfinancial rewards because they are. According to our textbook, Starbucks has been engaged in responsible business practices almost from day one of operation. Because ofRead MoreA Case Analysis on Starbucks’ Mission: Social Responsibility and Brand Strength944 Words  | 4 PagesA Case Analysis On Starbucks’ Mission: Social Responsibility And Brand Strength Submitted To Professor Panda Of University of Maryland Eastern Shore Department Of Business School Technology In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirement BUAD300 By: Michael Kunle-Kehinde February 4 2013 Summary Named after the first mate in Moby Dick, Starbucks was founded in 1971 by three partners in Seattle’s renowned open-air Pike Place Market. Starbucks is now the third largest restaurant chainRead MoreSwot Analysis : The Matrix1371 Words  | 6 Pagescompany and matches them up to the internal strengths and weaknesses, to give the company four possible strategic alternatives (Hunger, Wheelen, 2011, p. 77). As discussed previously, a major concern for Starbucks is their need for growth in foreign markets, and their education of the foreign markets, needs wants and expectations. According to the TOWS matrix, an alternative Strength Opportunity (SO) Strategy is to utilize the company’s ethical values and mission to drive the company to educate the companyRead MoreStrategic Management : Mission And Objectives1176 Words  | 5 PagesThe chart below again takes into account the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that have been discussed previously. However, with the EFAS and IFAS tables, all aspects of each category were taken into account to calculate the weighted score. With the SFAS, it only takes the strongest aspects of each category. It also calculates the duration of each factor. As with the other analysis summary’s, industry standard remains at 3.0. According to the calculation table below, Starbuck’sRead MoreSwot Analysis : Starbucks Compa ny s Mission, Vision, And Primary Stakeholders Essay1626 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Starbucks is the company that will be discussed in this assignment. The impact that the company’s mission has had will also be discussed, as well as the success of the primary stakeholders. A SWOT analysis will be used so that their strengths and weaknesses can be analyzed as well as their threats and weaknesses. The five forces of competition will be In this capstone assignment, I will discuss Starbuck’s. I will determine the impact of the company’s mission, vision, and primary stakeholders’Read MoreCase Study : Costa Coffee, Berger King1604 Words  | 7 Pagesare independent coffee shops or small chain shops scattered around the world. Starbucks has been involving in a number of corporate responsibility initiatives including ethical sourcing with the aim to ensure a long-term supply of high-quality coffee for their customers and positively affect the lives and livelihoods of coffee farmers and their communities. One of Starbucks main areas in terms of social responsibility is the sustainable production of green coffee. The company also supports productsRead MoreStarbucks Mission: Social Responsibility736 Words  | 3 Pagesfirst assignment, please read Case 2, Starbucks Mission: Social Responsibility and Brand Strength on pages 319-326. Answer the questions at the end of the case, plus this question: In what other ways does this case relate to the concepts that we have learned in the chapters so far? 1. Why do you think Starbucks has been so concerned with social responsibility in its overall corporate strategy? Starbuck is concerned about its social responsibility because it is a very highly visible partRead MoreStarbuckss Marketing Plan For Starbucks1305 Words  | 6 Pagesfor Starbucks, it was interesting to review a multinational company that operates in 62 countries and has 19,000 stores (Starbucks Corporation, 2013). It is apparent that success lives within the offerings of high quality coffee with a 3 billion base of customers enjoying the products. The company has a strong commitment to buying and serving high-quality coffee and consumers have savored the coffee and the prestigious brand. Starbucks arsenal not only consists of the signature Starbucks brandRead MoreStarbucks Corporation, The Mission And Vision Statement1433 Words  | 6 Pages Abstract This paper discussed about the Starbucks Corporation, the Mission and Vision statement of the Starbucks Corporation and the strategies formulated and implemented by Starbucks in maintaining competitive edge over its competitors. It also discussed about problems recently faced by Starbucks and recommendations to solve the problems and strategies for potential development of Starbucks in near future. Introduction Starbucks Corporation is a globalized coffee company operatingRead MoreStarbucks : What Key Driving Forces Coffee Shop Retailers?1352 Words  | 6 PagesWho doesn’t know Starbucks and what they sell? The Starbucks brand is beyond a household name and is associated with a mentality or environment. Founder and CEO Howard Schultz had a solid vision for what he wanted to create. Amid trial and error and fighting for his vision, he certainly achieved his dream. The history of Starbucks demonstrates just how challenging the road to the top can be. They have outperformed competitors to win consumers hearts and establish themselves as a good corporate citizen
Monday, May 11, 2020
How to Teach Topic Sentences Using Models
Topic sentences can be likened to miniature thesis statements for individual paragraphs. The topic sentence states the main idea or topic of the paragraph. The sentences that follow the topic sentence must relate and support the claim or position made in the topic sentence. As with all writing, teachers should first model proper topic sentences to have students identify the topic and the claim in the sentence, regardless of the academic discipline. For example, these models of topic sentences inform the reader about a topic and the claim that will be supported in the paragraph: Topic Sentence: Pets are important to many people because they can improve the overall health of the pet owner. Topic: PetsClaim: Improve the overall health of the pet owner.Topic Sentence: Coding requires a number of different skills.Topic: CodingClaim: Requires a number of different skills.Topic Sentence: There are many reasons why housing in Singapore is the best in the world. Topic: â€Å"Housing in Singapore†Claim: Housing in Singapore is the best in the world.Topic Sentence: Drama class requires students to be collaborative and willing to take risks.Topic: Drama classClaim: Drama class requires students to be collaborative and willing to take risks. Writing the Topic Sentence The topic sentence should not be too general or too specific. The topic sentence should still provide the reader with the basic answer to the question being posed. A good topic sentence should not include details. Placing the topic sentence at the beginning of a paragraph ensures that the reader knows precisely what information is going to be presented. Topic sentences should also alert the reader as to how the paragraph or the essay has been organized so that the information can be better understood. These paragraph text structures can be identified as compare/contrast, cause/effect, sequence, or problem/solution. As with all writing, students should be given multiple opportunities to identify topics and claims in models. Students should practice writing topic sentences for many different topics in all disciplines using different test structures. Compare and Contrast Topic Sentences The topic sentence in a comparison paragraph would identify the similarities or similarities and differences in the topic of the paragraph. A topic sentence in a contrast paragraph would identify only differences in topics. The topic sentences in compare/contrast essays may organize the information subject by subject (block method) or point by point. They may list comparisons in several paragraphs and then follow those with contrast points. The topic sentences of comparison paragraphs may use transition words or phrases such as Æ’ as well as, correspondingly, Æ’ compared to, just like, likewise, similarly, and the same as. Topic sentences of contrast paragraphs may use transition words or phrases such as: although, conversely, even though, however, in contrast, on the other hand, to the contrary, and unlike. Æ’ Some examples of compare and contrast topic sentences are: Animals in the same family share common characteristics. These characteristics include†¦A purchase of a small car has both advantages and disadvantages. Cause and Effect Topic Sentences When a topic sentence introduces the effect of a topic, the body paragraphs will contain evidence of causes. Conversely, when a topic sentence introduces a cause, the body paragraph will contain evidence of effects. Transition words used in topic sentences for a cause and effect paragraph may include: AccordinglyBecauseAs a resultConsequentlyFor this reasonThereforeThus Some examples of topic sentences for cause and effect paragraphs are: I am great at a grilling a steak, but I can never seem to make a good cake. This is because†¦The United States Civil War was started for a number of reasons. The causes of the Civil War include:The Great Depression was a period of great distress and economic problems for many Americans and individuals across the globe. The effects of the Great Depression include: Some essays require students to analyze the cause of an event or action. In analyzing this cause, students will need to discuss the effect or consequences of an event or action. A topic sentence using this text structure can focus the reader on the cause(s), the effect(s), or both. Students should remember not to confuse the verb affect with the noun effect. The use of effect means â€Å"to influence or change†while the use of effect means â€Å"the result.†Sequence Topic Sentences While all essays follow a specific order, a text structure of sequence explicitly alerts the reader to a 1st, 2nd or 3rd point. A sequence is one of the most common strategies in organizing an essay when the topic sentence identifies a need to order the supporting information. Either the paragraphs must be read in order, much like a recipe, or the writer has prioritized the information using terms such as then, next or finally. In a sequence text structure, the body paragraph follows a progression of ideas that are supported by details or evidence. The transition words that could be used in topic sentences for sequence paragraphs may include: AfterwardBeforeEarlierInitiallyMeanwhileLaterPreviouslySubsequently Some examples of topic sentences for sequence paragraphs are: The first reason why a real Christmas tree is preferred by many to an artificial one is:Successful leaders of large companies often share similar traits. The most important trait includes:Changing the oil in a car is easy only if you follow the steps. Problem-Solution Topic Sentences The topic sentence in a paragraph that uses the problem/solution text structure identifies a problem for the reader. The remainder of the paragraph is dedicated to offering a solution. Students should be able to provide a reasonable solution or refute objections in each paragraph. Transition words that can be used in topic sentences using the problem-solution paragraph structure are: AnswerProposeSuggestIndicateSolveResolvePlan Some examples of topic sentences for problem-solution paragraphs are: Students can avoid getting sick when they go away to college by taking certain precautions. Proposed precautions include...Various health agencies suggest that many kinds of pollution can affect your health. The different kinds of pollution include†¦Texting while driving has increased the number of auto fatalities. One answer to this problem could be†¦ All of the example sentences above can be used with students to illustrate the different types of topic sentences. If the writing assignment requires a particular text structure, there are specific transition words that can help students organize their paragraphs. Crafting Topic Sentences Crafting an effective topic sentence is a necessary skill, especially in meeting college and career readiness standards. The topic sentence requires that student plan what they are trying to prove in the paragraph before the draft. A strong topic sentence with its claim will focus the information or message for the reader. In contrast, a weak topic sentence will result in an unorganized paragraph, and the reader will be confused because the support or details will not be focused. Teachers should be ready to use models of proper topic sentences to help students determine the best structure for delivering information to the reader. There must also be time for students to practice writing topic sentences. With practice, students will learn to appreciate the rule that a proper topic sentence almost lets the paragraph to write itself!
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Many People Believe That Women Make Better Parents Than...
First, let us examine this statement ‘Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that this is why they have greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women in parenting are’ from the light of history. In the beginning of time when Man has separated themselves from God by transgression, He has declared that Man must work to earn his living whilst the woman will be the homemaker. This is the ‘foundation’ etched into the minds of Man since and has passed from generation to generation up to today. We could see this in approximately every tribe, race, community, societies, and even entire nations. Sadly, we could also see the travesty of this harmonious ‘way of life’, by†¦show more content†¦They forgot how a ginger looks like, only to ‘rediscover’ it from their sibling’s kindergarten books. How sad indeed! They have no idea how a wet market looks an d smells like. They thought foods can only be found in supermarkets. Their only remedy for torn clothes is to buy new ones. Tell me, how could any of these people be parents, yet alone be good parents and a good example to their children? Young boys start boozing in their early teens, some die in their late teens due to careless driving, some girls get pregnant at least once a year before the actual marriage†¦ Sigh! Therefore, when parents of the good old days bring their children up opposite to the preposterously overwhelming facts above, they produced some of our very own grandparents and parents, which we look at them very highly, and be proud of who they are. No doubt there are really excellent and accomplished parents out there – kudos to them (juggling work, housekeeping, and family wellbeing flawlessly), there are also equally ‘useless’ people out there, proudly calling themselves parents. They have no responsibility whatsoever on their children and their wellbeing. They only care for themselves, their position at work and in society. They could not do any better, and this feeling of guilt led them to give too much ‘pocket money’ to their children, further spoiling them. And we can clearly see who theseShow MoreRelatedShould Gay Marriage Be Allowed?2234 Words  | 9 Pages Should Gays and Lesbians be allowed to raise children? Same Sex marriage has really come out of the darkness and into society’s spotlight. It has increasingly become one of the most controversial issues in the United State of America and around the world. The public opinion varies by race, gender, class, culture, religion and in the political arena. Perhaps there have been positive shifts in attitudes towards gay marriages. This paper I will go through the impact of marital, family statue, andRead MoreHow Does Media Affect Children11485 Words  | 46 PagesFamily Viewing A report on parents, children and the media by Lucy McCarraher for the Parenting Education Support Forum in association with the NSPCC, Family Circle magazine and Glasgow Media Group Parenting Education Support Forum The Parenting Education Support Forum brings together those concerned with or working in the field of preparation, education and support for parents. It promotes and maintains a high profile for parenting education and support, where education means learningRead MoreModern Marriage3057 Words  | 13 PagesAbstract This paper presents an in-depth discussion about the changing relationship between women and marriage. Economic factors, a rise in feminism, parents influence, attitudes about sex, educational pursuits, and divorce statistics are discussed and their influence on womens attitudes toward marriage are explored. Cultural changes that have impacted womens lives are also examined. The purpose of the paper is to explore the changes affecting women, their attitudes toward marriage, and theirRead More Changes in Women and Marriage Essay3284 Words  | 14 Pages Changes in Women and Marriage- Changes in Women and Marriage- Abstract This paper presents an in-depth discussion about the changing relationship between women and marriage. Economic factors, a rise in feminism, parents’ influence, attitudes about sex, educational pursuits, and divorce statistics are discussed and their influence on women’s attitudes toward marriage are explored. Cultural changes that have impacted women’s lives are also examined. The purpose of the paper is to explore the changesRead More Decreasing Violence in America Essay6606 Words  | 27 Pagesin St. Paul two people were murdered. It has been reported that the two were fighting with a third party about a phone call that was made. The suspect is in custody and the case is under investigation,†a reporter in the ten o’clock news reports. â€Å"Spouse and child abuse are on the rise. This year alone over ‘6 million men, women, and children were victims of severe physical attacks from their spouses or parents’(article 16)*,†another reporter reports. Is it just me or does this seem like somethingRead MoreEssay about The Results of Children in Fatherless Homes16087 Words  | 65 PagesAmerican society. Both forms of disrupted families are harmful to children and to society. The children of single parents are more likely to do poorly in school, commit crimes, and become single parents themselves. In addition, the increase in single-parent families contributes to such social problems as poverty, crime, and a decline in the quality of public education. Divorce and out-of-wedlock childbirth are transforming the lives of American children. In the postwar generation more than 80 percentRead MoreAin t No Making It Chapter Summaries Essay9177 Words  | 37 Pagesis based on the idea that the U.S. is full of opportunity and anyone can accomplish success in our society if they work hard enough. Many grow up thinking education is the ladder that will allow for this social mobility and all you have to do is be willing to work hard enough to earn it. But what about children who grow up thinking differently? Why do some strive for high paying careers while others refuse school and are seemingly ok with staying working class? MacLeod challenges the notion that AmericaRead MoreSubstance Abuse15082 Words  | 61 Pagesdependence is a situation where an addict feels he/she must have drugs in order to live; this is the term to describe psychological dependence. Physical dependence occurs when the body metabolism adapts to the presence of the drugs, when the drug is removed strong withdrawal symptoms are produced. This withdrawal syndrome is experienced as sickness, stomach upset and muscular pain. Hallucinations and convulsions may also occur. EXPLAIN WHY ALCOHOL IS A DRUG Alcohol is a drug because it affectsRead MoreWomen as Commodity8915 Words  | 36 PagesWOMEN AS COMMODITY Women As Commodity Since ancient times, There people who are being sold just like a mere things sold in a market to be slaves, pimp, and its quiet alarming that even naive child is a victim of this kind of discursive life. Women have been also analyzed to be part of those bundles of things paraded, bidded for, sold, and traded off despite the fact that women are making huge contributions for the development of their countries in different aspects today, still women are beingRead MoreWomen as Commodity8899 Words  | 36 PagesWOMEN AS COMMODITY Women As Commodity Since ancient times, There people who are being sold just like a mere things sold in a market to be slaves, pimp, and its quiet alarming that even naive child is a victim of this kind of discursive life. Women have been also analyzed to be part of those bundles of things paraded, bidded for, sold, and traded off despite the fact that women are making huge contributions for the development of their countries in different aspects today, still women are
What Do You Understand †Managed Inventory Free Essays
Process of Vendor Managed Inventory can be defined as a mechanism where the supplier creates the purchase orders based on the demand information exchanged by the retailer or customers. It implies that the supplier does the demand creation and the fulfillment, instead of the retailers or customers managing the inventory. Under the typical business model an order is placed to the manufacturer when the product is needed by the distributor. We will write a custom essay sample on What Do You Understand – Managed Inventory? or any similar topic only for you Order Now The inventory plan is maintained by the distributor as he is in control of the timing and size of the order being placed. Creating the responsibility of manpower team, space and inventory management, increased administration work and conflict between responsibility ownership in case of quality issue. Under Vendor-Managed Inventory model the order is generated by the manufacturer without being the change of ownership of inventory. The inventory plan is maintained and created by the manufacturer as he receives the data that tell him about the distributor’s sales and stock levels. This model eliminates the case of emerging conflict in case of quality issues, save manpower, space and inventory management and administration work as sole responsibility is with the system supplier. The goal of Vendor-Managed Inventory is to align the business objectives and streamline supply chain operations for both suppliers and their customers, by using a streamlined approach to inventory management and order fulfillment. It involves collaboration between suppliers and their customers (e. g. retailer, distributor, or product end user) which changes the traditional ordering process. This process works only if expectations are clarified between the organization and the supplier, they both need to agree on how to share information regarding the restocking in a timely and synchronized manner and keep their communication channels open. How to cite What Do You Understand – Managed Inventory?, Essay examples
Essay for My Dad free essay sample
My dad is a professional musician so I started playing music really early. I started banging around on the piano at around 2 years old and started playing string bass at 4 years old. My first gig was playing recorder with my dad at Issue Project Room at 4 years old. My serious playing started when I was 5 and started studying drums. I studied drums at Brooklyn Conservatory with Marc Johnson for about 2 years then I started playing trumpet at around 7. That was the instrument I really wanted to play since I as two years old but I couldnt play it because my grown up teeth werent in yet. I played in Carnegie Hall with my dad and Dan Azans when I was 8 years old and then when I was 9, I won a scholarship for 3 years for private lessons and Jazz theory and ensemble at the Brooklyn Conservatory. First I studied there with Duane Banks but then I switched to Kevin Louis who I really love. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay for My Dad or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My first trumpet teacher was actually Russ Johnson who Vive known since I was a baby and Id love to study with him at Jazz camp.Right now, I am playing gigs with my own two rock bands. In one, I play trumpet and sing and in the other I play bass sometimes, drums sometimes and sing. I also compose my own songs and I hope to do more of that at Jazz camp. Im now playing professional gigs with my dad sometimes and with the Diddle-Diddle-Des which Is a band of adults that plays music for little kids that Involves America History In their songs. I want to apply to Laggardly high school for Jazz and I feel that being Jazz camp will help me become a better musician which will help In my application and Just In general.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Influence on my Life free essay sample
â€Å"Who would have thought the old man to have so much blood in him?†You probably think that this is a quote from Shakespeare and, technically, you’d be right. However, this quote also comes from A Holiday for Murder by Agatha Christie. I found this book in eighth grade, right before Christmas break. I have always had a love for the mystery genre of fiction, because of how the novels make you think to solve the mystery. Since I was a little girl, I have also loved building jigsaw puzzles. As I grew older, the jigsaw puzzles I loved to build also fueled my love for mysteries, because you have to piece together the clues in order to build the picture and solve the mystery. Each clue in the novels fits into the outcome, just like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. Some of my friends had enjoyed reading Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None, so I decided to give one of her other novels a try: A Holiday for Murder. We will write a custom essay sample on Influence on my Life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I figured that this would be appropriate to read with the holiday coming up. After reading the first page, I couldn’t stop, page after page, chapter after chapter, until I was finished. I had not only stumbled upon a new passion, but also found a new idol in Ms. Christie. Her vivid skill in combining suspense and clues, which are indecipherable until the final reveal, inspired me to write my own novels. Like the way Ms. Christie has for me, I would someday like to inspire another with the love of reading and writing through one of my own works. I find my stories an excellent way to vent my feelings and ideas at any given time. I also love being able to paint a new world of characters and events, simply through words. My passion for reading started when I was very small, but my passion for writing truly began with Ms. Christie and I would like nothing more than to pass that passion on to more children by instilling in them the love of books. Books for me have always represente d gateways into another world where I can be anyone that I choose and do anything I desire even being a super sleuth in one of Ms. Christie’s many mysteries. I dream of one day walking into a bookstore and seeing my novel on the shelf, and then a little girl picks up the book, eager to imagine herself in the world I created, just like I did so many times when reading Ms. Christie’s stories.
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